Black Bird creative Bushfire Recovery Project
Black Bird Creative Bushfire Recovery Project provided a safe space for community members of the Nambucca Valley to engage in arts practice in response to the recent bushfires within our local Shire. Facilitated by Nancy Sposato and local creative arts therapist Marg Coutts, participants worked in the landscape and were guided through movement, visual arts and creative writing activities. This was an opportunity for people directly affected to process their experiences, reflect and creatively respond. As part of the event, morning tea and lunch were provided to support the development of community connections.
The event was documented through photography, and is being developed into a short promo video to share with other councils to explore the possibility of replicating the initiative elsewhere. Conversations have also begun with Arts Mid North Coast, Regional Development Australia and Nambucca Valley Shire Council to source funding to frame and exhibit the visual artworks that were developed during the workshops as a way to support broader community bushfire education and understanding.
Sposato will also use this experience and material gathered to feed into the development of The Black Bird Arts Project, a creative initiative aimed at continuing to connect the local community around climate change through live performance and online visual content.
If you would like to talk further about bringing this initiative to your community or to stay in the loop about future creative developments don't hesitate to make contact or join the Nancy Sposato Projects mailing list.
The Regional Arts Fund is an Australian Government initiative that supports sustainable cultural development in regional, remote and very remote Australia.